Yet another RX8 tire/wheel post

Mazda RX7 and RX8 Suspension, Intakes, Headers, Exhaust, Shocks, Springs, Sway Bars, Brake Kits, Autocross and track mods.
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Yet another RX8 tire/wheel post

Post by popkorn520 »

I took my 100% completely stock 2004 RX8 out to my first track night at Pittsburgh International Raceway and had an absolute blast. So here I go down the rabbit hole. I've already changed brake fluid to DOT 4, and my first upgrade is going to be some decent race pads and vented rotors. I took it relatively easy on the brakes at my first event, but I want something to count on. I'd also like to throw on some decent wheels and tires. I think I have settled on some 17x9.5 Enkei NT03+M +44 wheels and 255/40R17 tires. I don't mind rolling fenders if I need to, looking for feedback on whether this is a good choice or a horrifically bad idea in this size and offset. I was caught between 2nd and 3rd gear in a couple of corners, and the smaller diameter tire with the increased corner speed will really help me get off the corner in 3rd. I also would prefer to save my stock tires and wheels for street use.

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Re: Yet another RX8 tire/wheel post

Post by Brian »

Sorry I missed this, moving the company to new building took 60 days of remodel and moving efforts and I missed some posts. I used Enkei 45mm 18x9.5 and it took good fender roll but they worked great on my RX8. Ohlins coilovers, Progress Sways with that combo. The 44mm offset you are looking at essentially the same fitment, and a great wheel.
Brian Goodwin
Good-Win Racing
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